Give a Scanned Document Keywords

There’s an easy way to give a scanned document searchable keywords that won’t be visible in the document, but that will help you find the document through full-text searching. This can be a speedy alternative to OCR.

Make sure you’re in "Manage" view and click the "Scan" button. Look for a "Keywords" field on the scan dialog, right below the "Filename" field. If you don’t see it, make sure the scan type is set to "PDF".

Anything you enter in this field will be saved as a searchable keyword with the PDF.

For existing PDFs (or if you’ve scanned in "Edit" view), open the PDF in "Edit" view and look for a "Properties" button right above the thumbnails. In the document properties, you’ll see fields where you can enter things like "Subject" and "Keywords". These are all searchable.

Article ID: 10
Created On: Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 8:43 AM
Last Updated On: Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 8:43 AM
Authored by: KB Admin01 [[email protected]]

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