Archiving Drawers

One excellent strategy for preventing file cabinet bloat is to maintain a separate cabinet as an archive for older drawers.

Set up a new file cabinet as described Cabinet Basics and name it "Archive" (or whatever fits your needs). Assuming that you use a separate drawer for each client or matter as we recommend, you can archive old client or case files like this:

  1. Select the drawer; if there are folders or files selected, click the drawer again to close them
  2. Go to the Drawers task button > Move to Cabinet
  3. Choose your "archive" cabinet on the list of cabinets
  4. Click OK

The drawer and all of its folders and files will be relocated to the "archive" cabinet. Using this technique you can keep your working file cabinets from becoming cluttered with old files. But you still have quick access to archived drawers through the "archive" cabinet.

Article ID: 189
Created On: Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 5:21 PM
Last Updated On: Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 8:14 PM
Authored by: KB Admin02 [[email protected]]

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