Deactivate Indexing

If you’re using Enterprise Organizer Pro’s Advanced Search engine, you can deactivate/delete the search indexes on a cabinet-by-cabinet basis. In other words, you can activate full-text searching for one cabinet but leave it deactivated on another.

Delete Cabinet Indexes

To deactivate file searching for a cabinet:

  1. In the Manage view, click the Cabinets button
  2. Select the cabinet on the list and click Edit
  3. In the Edit Cabinet dialog, click the Index tab
  4. Click the Delete Index button
  5. To prevent the cabinet from being auto-indexed again, also deselect the Auto Index Cabinet option.

Disable Automatic Indexing

To deactivate automatic indexing for a single cabinet, simply follow the instructions above. To disable automatic indexing completely:

  1. Go to Settings > Indexing
  2. De-select Enable Auto Indexer
  3. Click OK 

Article ID: 208
Created On: Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 5:31 PM
Last Updated On: Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 10:34 AM
Authored by: KB Admin01 [[email protected]]

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