
The Favorites feature is a way to bookmark common locations in Enterprise Organizer Pro – drawers, folders, or locations in the Explorer view.

Favorites are accessed and managed from the Enterprise Organizer Pro Favorites button: . Here you can select a location to jump to, add a new Favorite, or manage your list of Favorites.

NOTE: The Favorites list does not show your Windows Favorites.

Add a Favorite

For instructions on bookmarking a location, see Favorites.

Manage Your Favorites

To manage your Favorites, go to the Favorites button > Manage Favorites.

You can select any Favorite in the list and click the Edit button to change its settings, or the Delete button to remove it from the list. Note that removing a Favorite from the list does not delete the actual Enterprise Organizer Pro drawer or folder.

NOTE: Some of a Favorite’s settings cannot be edited. If you need to change one of these settings, delete the Favorite and re-create it with the new settings.

Change the Order

You have two options for organizing your list of Favorites: sort them alphabetically or organize them manually.

To sort the list alphabetically, select the Sort Alphabetically option. This will keep the list sorted alphabetically both in the Manage Favorites dialog box and in Enterprise Organizer Pro’s Favorites menu.

Alternatively, you can select any Favorite on the list and use the Up and Down arrows to the right of the list to move it up or down in the list. Using these arrows, you can organize your Favorites in any order you wish. This order will be used both in the Manage Favorites dialog and in Enterprise Organizer Pro’s Favorites menu.

Article ID: 215
Created On: Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 5:47 PM
Last Updated On: Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 11:13 AM
Authored by: KB Admin01 [[email protected]]

Online URL: https://kb.quikbox.com/article.php?id=215