ODBC - Lookup

This module can also be used for lookup purposes, this makes it possible to use values that are stored in the ODBC source to populate a list with lookup values a user can select from for metadata entry.

The user will be asked to provide ODBC source connection settings when ODBC is selected as the Module for populating the list-items for the lookup question. After providing the connection settings the user will be able to select what Source should be used for populating the list-items, the Source is a selection of all tables or entities that are available for the chosen ODBC source. Subsequently the metadata value and Display text column of the lookup question are populated with table/entity columns of the entity selected as the Source. The Display text column is the table/entity column with values that will be displayed on the touch screen of the scan device where the Metadata value column is the table/entity column with values that will be used as metadata within the application.

A Description can be selected for the list-item, this can be a fixed value that will apply on all list-items or this can be a table/entity column to provide a description that only applies on the selected list-item. This description will be displayed on the touch screen of the scan device. Using the Filter functionality it is possible to make a subselection so not all records stored in the table/entity will be used for populating the Lookup question. It is possible to specify the filter using the wizard:

A default list-item can be selected either by Default metadata value or Default display text. Other than selecting from the Lookup list the user will also have the option to enter a value using the keyboard. If the entered value does not exists in the lookup list an Error message will appear on the touch screen of the scan device, the error message can be specified in the error message box.

Article ID: 493
Created On: Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 12:44 PM
Last Updated On: Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 12:44 PM
Authored by: Administrator [[email protected]]

Online URL: https://kb.quikbox.com/article.php?id=493