Creating a trigger with metadata lookup

In this example a trigger for scanning invoices will be created. The documents are scanned on a scan device and therefore the Xerox Multifunction Device module will be used as the Scan module. The user will be asked to give in a account code and this account code will be looked up in an XML file. The account code (metadata) is used, after it is found, for creating a subfolder for storing the scanned document.

The scanned document will be converted to a text searchable PDF file and therefore Advanced image processing will be used as the Flow module. After the document is converted the document will be stored in a Windows folder and therefore Winshare will be used for the Store module.

  1. Launch ScanFlowStore.
  2. Before a new trigger can be created the ScanFlowStore process needs to be stopped. Check the process by viewing the process status that is listed in the left corner at the bottom of the ScanFlowStore window. If the process is started click the red square button (process stop) to stop the ScanFlowStore process.

  3. A trigger can be created in three different ways, first select the Triggers item that is in the treeview at the left of the ScanFlowStore screen.

    Then choose one of the following:
  4. Because documents that are scanned on a scan device will be imported, select Xerox Multifunction Device from the dropdownlist.

  5. Please fill out the following settings to import the scanned documents:
  6. To convert the scanned document to a text searchable PDF the Advanced image processing module is used. Select the Advanced image processing module.

    Make sure the following settings are configured properly:
  7. Click Next to go to the Store module. To store the text searchable PDF in a Windows folder the Winshare module is used. Select the Winshare module.

    Make sure the following settings are configured properly:
  8. Click Next to go to the Options module. This module can remain as is. Click OK.

  9. The trigger is now ready to be published to a scan device. Please read Publish a trigger to a scan device for more information.




Article ID: 521
Created On: Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 4:26 PM
Last Updated On: Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 4:26 PM
Authored by: Administrator [[email protected]]

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