
Most of the configuration is done from Web File Share's control panel. However, there are additional configuration options that can be set by editing the file “customizables/config.php”. If the files does not exist, you can simply create it.

User Interface

$config['app']['ui']['custom_css_url'] = 'custom.css';

Loads an additional CSS file with your customizations. It's better to do this than edit Web File Share's existing CSS code.

$config['app']['ui']['enable_favicon_ico'] = true;

Allows browsers to use the file “favicon.ico” for the bookmark icon.

$config['app']['ui']['ReadMeFileName'] = "README";

Sets the name of the file that is used for displaying folder information.


$config['app']['hidden_file_names'][] = "*.exe"; 

Hides all files who's names are ending with “.exe”. You can add multiple configuration lines like this one, to hide additional files.

$config['app']['hidden_folder_names'][] = "_*";

Hides all folders who's names are starting with “_”. You can add multiple configuration lines like this one, to hide additional folders.

$config['app']['upload']['max_simultaneous'] = 5;

Change the number of files Web File Share is simultaneously uploading. The default number is 3. As a rule of thumb, the larger your files, the smaller this number, and vice-versa.

$config['app']['labels']['default'] = [['color' => 'green', 'text' => 'APPROVED'], ['color' => 'orange', 'text' => 'PENDING'], ['color' => 'red', 'text' => 'REJECTED']];

These are the default labels, which can be customized as desired.

$config['imagemagick']['older_than_6_3_2'] = true;

Use when the version of ImageMagick ont he server is older than 6.3.2, or if the file previews are not centered inside the thumbnails, but aligned on the left side.

$config['app']['thumbs']['output_small_filesize'] = 8388608;

By default, images smaller than 8MB are send directly to the browser instead of having a thumbnail generated. You can alter this limit.

$config['imagemagick']['fileSizeLimit'] = 1048576;

Limits the ImageMagick thumbnail generation only for files larger than 1048576 bytes (1MB).

$config['app']['disable_sound_notification'] = true;

Sets the default state of the sound notifications to off.

$config['app']['media']['music']['latest']['limit'] = 100; $config['app']['media']['music']['random']['limit'] = 100; $config['app']['media']['photos']['latest']['limit'] = 100; $config['app']['media']['photos']['tags']['limit'] = 100;

Customize various media folder listing limits.

$config['app']['metadata']['search']['results']['limit'] = 200;

Customize the number of files listed in the search-by-metadata result

$config['app']['metadata']['search']['results']['limit'] = 200;

Customize the number of files listed in the search-by-metadata result

$config['app']['ui']['login_logos']['acme'] = 'https://www.acne.com/logo.png';

Access the Web File Share installation URL by appending “?client=acme” to show that particular pre-configured logo instead of the default configured one.

Article ID: 578
Created On: Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 2:35 AM
Last Updated On: Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 12:14 PM
Authored by: KB Admin01 [[email protected]]

Online URL: https://kb.quikbox.com/article.php?id=578