Hiding options from the "Open with..." menu

The options that are displayed in the "Open with..." menu are called "custom actions". Each custom action has a folder inside "/path-to-WebFileShare/customizables/custom_actions/". If you want to disable a particular option, you can do that by opening its "app.php" file in a text editor and adding the following line of code;

var $disabled = true;

right after the line of code that reads "class custom_ {" (usually located on line number 5).

For Web File Share versions 121211 or lower, this is the only way to do it:

Simply delete the folder or renaming it to add an underscore character in front of the name. For example, to disable Google Docs Viewer, you would rename the folder "google_docs_viewer" to "_google_docs_viewer". The disadvantage of this method is that it might cause some troubles when installing software updates. Some software updates add improvements to the custom actions and you might need to have to original file structure, for Web File Share to be able to install the update.

If you are not seeing the change, try to clear your browser's cache (delete temporary Internet files).


Article ID: 594
Created On: Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 5:52 AM
Last Updated On: Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 9:31 AM
Authored by: KB Admin01 [[email protected]]

Online URL: https://kb.quikbox.com/article.php?id=594