Adding links to the menu

Applies to Web File Share version (291210)

The menus are defined inside the file "/path-to-WebFileShare/js/fileman/toolbars_and_menus.js".

To add a link on the main toolbar (next to the "Upload" and "File" options), you open the file in a text editor and add the following code after the line #185:



 text: FR.T('Your button'), scale: 'medium',

 icon: FR.iconsURL+'/the_icon.gif',

 handler: function() {

   document.location.href = '';



If you want the button to open the page into a window, replace the line

document.location.href = '';


with the following code:



      src: '',

      width: 680, height: 540, constrain: true, maximizable: true, autoDestroy: true



Please note that this function automatically adds some variables to the specified URL. To avoid troubles, try ending your URL with a question mark (?) character.



Article ID: 599
Created On: Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 7:49 AM
Last Updated On: Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 9:22 AM
Authored by: KB Admin01 [[email protected]]

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