Advanced PDF Conversion

If you want to quickly convert a document to PDF, just select it and click the PDF Actions button > Convert to PDF (see Convert to PDF). But there’s also an Advanced PDF Conversion feature, which gives you more options. To use this feature:

  1. Select any number of files in the Manage view
  2. Click PDF Actions > Advanced PDF Conversion
  3. Select your options
  4. Click Convert in the advanced conversion window

The Advanced Conversion Window

Advanced conversions are done in a special window at the bottom of the Enterprise Organizer Pro screen. This window shows the files you’ve selected for conversion and lets you select conversion options. Add more files to the list by drag/drop or by selecting a file and clicking Add.

All Files or Selected File

When choosing conversion options, you can apply them to every file in the list or only to files you’ve selected.

If you want to specify different options for each file, choose Selected File then select a file on the list and enter its options. Do this for each file. You can copy the current options to the other files by clicking Copy to All, which simplifies entering common options for every file in the list. You can then go through each file and customize its individual options.

File Options

There are a few file-level options available when you run a conversion:

File Name

By default, the converted file will have the same name as the original, but with a PDF extension. So My Document.doc will become My Document.pdf. If there’s already a My Document.pdf, the new document will be called My Document_2.pdf.

You can choose a different file name for the converted file. Just enter it in the File Name field.


If the original file is already a PDF, Enterprise Organizer Pro assumes you just want to modify the file’s PDF options. If you provide a different file name, Enterprise Organizer Pro will make a copy of the file with the new options. If you leave it set to , it will modify the existing file instead.

Delete Original File

By default, Enterprise Organizer Pro creates a PDF copy of the file. If you want the original file deleted, select the Delete Original File option.

Note that if the original file is a PDF and you’re not changing the name, the original file will be modified, not deleted.


PDF files cannot be converted back into the original format and cannot be edited. Converting a file to PDF is a one-way process!

Keep Existing File Date/Time

By default, the converted file will adopt the current date/time as its Windows Date Created timestamp. To inherit the original file’s timestamp instead, select Keep Existing File Date/Time.

Password Protection

You can apply a password to the converted file. This does two things. First, it requires the user to enter a password to be able to open the PDF. Second, it encrypts the PDF file so that the contents can’t be extracted.

To give the converted file a password, select the Password tab, select Require a password to open the document, and enter the password in the Open Password field.

Remove a Password

If the original file is already a password-protected PDF, you can remove the password. Just enter the current password, then select Remove Password and Permissions.


You can add searchable keywords to the PDF file. These keywords will not be visible in the document, but they will make it easier to find the document using full-text search. The keywords will be placed in the document’s Keywords field.

If the original file is already a PDF, you can either replace its existing keywords or add to them. Use the Append To and Replace options to choose whether or not to keep the existing keywords.


There are other document properties that you can set, like Title, Author, and Subject. Set these properties on the Other tab.

Perform the Conversion

When you’ve set all of the conversion options you want, click the Convert button in the advanced conversion window. Every document in the list will be converted to PDF, and the options you set for each document will be applied. When conversion is done, the list will show the converted files. Double-click any file to open it.

To start a new conversion run, click Reset All.

Article ID: 164
Created On: Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 1:14 PM
Last Updated On: Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 3:56 PM
Authored by: KB Admin02 [[email protected]]

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