The Cabinet Files Drawer

Normally a file cabinet will not have any files in the cabinet’s main folder. In other words, all files will go in folders and drawers. To understand why, see The Cabinet Structure.

If there happen to be files in the main folder, you can expose a special drawer to show them, since they’re not in a drawer of their own. The drawer will show up at the top of the drawers list, and will be called Cabinet Base Folder.

Showing the Cabinet Files Drawer

You can turn on the drawer in the cabinet’s settings. Edit the cabinet, locate the option called Show Cabinet’s Base Folder as a Drawer, and set it to either Only If Contains Files or Always.

Article ID: 173
Created On: Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 1:33 PM
Last Updated On: Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 9:32 PM
Authored by: KB Admin02 [[email protected]]

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