Plain English Searches

Enterprise Organizer Pro offers two types of search: Plain English and Boolean. See Boolean Searches for more information on Boolean searching. This topic will describe plain English searching.

The default search type is Plain English, also known as an any word search. This is the same type of searching used by many popular Internet search engines. The search will match any of the words you provide. You can optionally require, exclude, and group words. This is described under Controlling the Search Terms below.

A search is composed of any sequence of text, like a sentence or a question. Very common words, like a and the or this, etc., will be ignored. The search results will be listed in order of hits. In other words, the highest ranking is given to files with the most hits, regardless of whether all of the search terms were found in the file.

Controlling the Search Terms

Enterprise Organizer Pro offers special syntax to let you control which words should be required, excluded, or grouped.


Using quotation marks around a group of words requires those words to be grouped in the search result. In other words, quotation marks indicate a search phrase. Here are some examples:

Search Request Meaning
apple pie the document must contain either the word apple or the word pie, in any order; so chocolate pie is more costly than apple crisp would be a match
"apple pie" the document must contain the phrase apple pie
ice cream "apple pie" the document must contain either the word ice, the word cream, or the phrase apple pie
"ice cream" "apple pie" the document must contain either the phrase ice cream or the phrase apple pie

Requiring or Excluding Terms

Use "+" and "-" to require or exclude words or phrases. For example:

Search Request Meaning
banana +pear the word banana is optional; the word pear must be present
+banana +pear the document must contain both the word banana and the word pear (in any order)
-banana +pear the document cannot contain the word banana and must contain the word pear
+"ice cream" "apple pie" -salad the phrase ice cream must be present, the phrase apple pie is optional, and the word salad may not be present

Advanced Search Options

There are many other search options available to enhance and refine your searches. These are described Advanced Search Options.

Article ID: 202
Created On: Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 4:38 PM
Last Updated On: Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 10:38 AM
Authored by: KB Admin01 [[email protected]]

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