Advanced Search Options

The two basic search types in Enterprise Organizer Pro are Plain English and Boolean. See Plain English Searches and Boolean Searches for more information.

There are a number of advanced search options available to enhance and refine your searches, regardless of whether you are using Plain English or Boolean searching. These are invoked with the following special characters (explained below):

Character Meaning
? matches any single character
* matches any number of characters or digits
~~ matches a numeric range
% fuzzy match
# phonic match
w/n proximity match
pre/n proximity match
"## ... " regular expression match



Wildcard Match

A search word can contain the following wildcard characters: *?. A "?" in a word matches any single character, while a "*" matches any number of characters. The wildcard characters can be in any position in a word. Here are some examples:

Search Request Meaning
appl* would match apple, application, etc.
*cipl* would match principle, participle, etc.
ap*ed would match applied, approved, etc.
appl? would match apply and apple but not apples
h?t would match hat, hot, hit, and hut, but not heat and heart


Numeric Range Match

A numeric range search is a search for any numbers that fall within a range. To add a numeric range component to a search request, enter the upper and lower bounds of the search separated by "~~" like this:


This request would find any document containing a number between (and including) 12 and 17.

Three things to note about range matches: 1) A numeric range search includes the upper and lower bounds (so 12 and 17 would be retrieved in the above example). 2) Numeric range searches only work with positive integers. 3) For purposes of numeric range searching, decimal points and commas are treated as spaces and minus signs are ignored. For example, -123,456.78 would be interpreted as: 123 456 78 (three numbers).

Fuzzy Match

Fuzzy matching will find a word even if it is misspelled. For example, a fuzzy search for apple will find appple. Fuzzy matching can be useful when you are searching text that may contain typographical errors, or for text that has been scanned using optical character recognition (OCR).

You can activate basic fuzzy matching from the by selecting the Fuzzy option in the Advanced Options section. This will allow for two misspellings per word. See Using Search for more information.

You can customize the amount of fuzziness and the location in the word where fuzziness can occur by using the "%" character. The number of "%" characters you add determines the number of differences Enterprise Organizer Pro will ignore when searching for a word. The position of the "%" characters determines how many letters at the start of the word have to match exactly. Examples:

Search Request Meaning
ban%ana Word must begin with ban and have at most one difference between it and banana
b%%anana Word must begin with b and have at most two differences between it and banana

Phonic Match

Phonic searching looks for a word that sounds like the word you are searching for and begins with the same letter. For example, a phonic search for Smith will also find Smithe and Smythe, or a search for see will also find sea.

To search for a word phonically, put a "#" in front of the word in your search request. Examples:


Proximity Match

Use the w/n connector in a search request to specify that one word or phrase must occur within n words of the other. For example, apple w/5 pear would retrieve any document that contained apple within 5 words of pear (either before or after).

The pre/n connector is like w/n but also specifies that the first expression must occur before the second. For example, apple pre/5 pear would retrieve any document that contained apple within 5 words before pear.

There are also two special search words that can be used to indicate the beginning or the end of the document. These are xfirstword and xlastword. These are useful if you want to limit a search to the beginning or end of a file. For example, apple w/10 xlastword would search for apple within 10 words of the end of a document.

The following are examples of search requests using w/n, pre/n, and xfirstword/xlastword:

Search Request Meaning
apple w/5 banana apple must appear within 5 words of banana (before or after)
apple pre/5 banana apple must appear in the 5 words before banana
apple w/5 xfirstword apple must be in the first 5 words of the document
apple w/5 xlastword apple must be in the last 5 words of the document
(apple or pear) w/5 banana Either apple or pear must appear within five words of banana
(apple pre/5 banana) and pear apple must appear in the 5 words before banana, and the document must also contain the word pear
(apple w/5 xfirstword) and (banana pre/5 pie) apple must be one of the first five words in the document, and banana must be in the five words before pie

Regular Expression Match

Regular expression searching provides a way to search for advanced combinations of characters. It is much more powerful than wildcard matching. Regular expressions use a special syntax to control what characters can and cannot be included, and where the wildcard positions are. These are described below.

A regular expression included in a search request must be quoted and must begin with ##, like this: "## ... ". Each regular expression will match a single whole word. You cannot try to match more than one word in a regular expression, but you can include multiple regular expressions in your search term.

Regular expressions use the following syntax:

Expression Meaning
.  (period) Matches any single character. Example: "##ca." would match cat, car, can, etc.
^ Matches the start of a line
$ Matches the end of a line
Treat the next character literally. For example, $ is normally a regular expression character for the end of a line. If you want to search for $100, use a backslash to treat the $ literally: "##$100"
[abc] Brackets indicate a set of acceptable characters. For example, "##ca[nt]" will match can and cat but not car
[a-z] You can use "-" to indicate a range of characters. [a-z] indicates any letter of the alphabet and [0-9] indicates any digit. For example, "##199[5-9]" will match any year between 1995-1999.
[^xz] Place a caret ^ at the beginning of the group to exclude those characters. For example, "##ca[^bn]" will allow any character except b or n at the end of the word. So it will match car or cat but not cab or can-->
* Match the preceding character 0 or more times. The most common example of this is .* which allows any sequence of zero or more characters. For example, "##cab.*" would match cab, cabin, cabinet, etc.
+ Match the preceding character 1 or more times. The most common example of this is .+ which allows any sequence of one or more characters. For example, "##cab.+" would not match cab, but it would match cabin, cabinet, etc.
[0-9]+ Match any character from the set one or more times. For example, "##[0-9]+" would match any number of at least one digit: 1, 25, 379, 1734, etc.

Other Search Options

Stemming Matches

Stemming extends a search to cover grammatical variations on a word. For example, a search for fish would also find fishing, and a search for applied would also find applying, applies, and apply.

Stemming matches are activated by default. All searches will also find grammatical variations of the search terms. Stemming does not slow searches noticeably and is almost always helpful in making sure you find what you want. However, it can also bloat the search results with irrelevant matches.

There is no special character to activate stemming. Stemming matches are only activated by selecting the Stemming option in the Advanced Options section. See Using Search for more information.

Note that the stemming rules included with Enterprise Organizer Pro are only designed to work with the English language.

File Name, Type, Date

You can also search for specific filenames and limit search results by file type or creation/modification.

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