Integration Options

Enterprise Organizer provides a number of integration points:


Save/Open Integration

Enterprise Organizer can intercept and replace the native Save and Open dialogs of most Windows programs with its own cabinet-based Save and Open dialogs. This lets users save and open files using their cabinets instead of traditional Windows paths.

A number of integrations are enabled by default, most notably the common office applications. But any program that uses the standard Windows Save and Open dialogs can likely be used with Enterprise Organizer. For instructions on enabling the integration for other applications, see Add an Application.


Command-Line Options

The following command-line options are available in Enterprise Organizer:





‑path folder
‑path file

The complete path to any drawer, folder or file. Can be inside or outside of a cabinet.


‑cabinet name

The name of a Enterprise Organizer cabinet to work with.


‑drawer name

The name of a drawer in the cabinet. Must be used with ‑cabinet.


‑drawerid substring

A substring in the drawer’s name. Must be used with ‑cabinet.


‑template name

Apply a folder template to a drawer on creation. Must be used with ‑create.



Action: Open any PDF or TIFF file in Enterprise Organizer for viewing/editing.



Action: Go to the location specified with path or with ‑cabinet ‑drawer ‑drawerid. If the location is in a cabinet, Enterprise Organizer will use Cabinet Mode. Otherwise, it will switch to Explorer Mode. Note that ‑goto is the default action; it will be used automatically if no other action is specified.



Action: Rename a drawer. If the drawer name doesn’t exist but a drawer with the right ID does exist, it will be renamed to the specified drawer name.



Action: Create the drawer if it doesn’t exist. If it does exist, ‑goto will happen instead.

Executing Command-line Options

You execute command-line options by calling Enterprise Organizer Pro.exe followed by the options you want to use. For example:

"c:program filesEnterprise Organizer PromainEnterprise Organizer Pro.exe" ‑path "c:myfoldermyfile.pdf" ‑goto

Note that paths should always be enclosed in quotes "" if they have spaces. To be safe, you can always use quotes, even if there aren’t spaces.

Also note that paths are not case-sensitive.

Where is Enterprise Organizer.exe?

By default, Enterprise Organizer Pro.exe is in c:program filesEnterprise Organizer Promain unless you installed to a custom location or unless your system drive (where Windows is installed) is not c:. To make sure that you can always find the right folder, there is a Registry key which will give you Enterprise Organizer’s installation path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARE Enterprise OrganizerInstallRoot

NOTE: This gives you the folder where Enterprise Organizer is installed. The Enterprise Organizer Pro.exe file will always be in the Main subfolder: .mainEnterprise Organizer Pro.exe.


These examples will show you how to use the command-line options.


Use the ‑path option to specify a location to jump to. It can be a folder or a file:

‑path "c:my cabinetsclientsjones, bob"
‑path "c:my cabinetsclientsjones, bobscans esume.pdf"

Note that the first item after Enterprise Organizer Pro.exe is assumed to be a path. These are the same:

‑path "c:my cabinetsclientsjones, bob"
"c:my cabinetsclientsjones, bob"


‑cabinet / ‑drawer

Instead of specifying a ‑path, you can go directly to a Cabinet or Drawer:

‑cabinet "Clients"
‑cabinet "Clients" ‑drawer "Jones, Bob"

You can also use ‑cabinet together with ‑path when the path falls in more than one cabinet. For example, the path p:casesarchivedjones, bob happens to fall into two cabinets: the Cases cabinet (at p:cases) and the Archived cabinet (at p:casesarchived). If you only specify a ‑path parameter, Enterprise Organizer will use the first cabinet it finds that contains the path. But if you specify a ‑cabinet also, it will only look in that cabinet for the path:

‑path "p:casesarchivedjones, bob"
‑path "p:casesarchivedjones, bob" ‑cabinet "Cases"
‑path "p:casesarchivedjones, bob" ‑cabinet "Archived"



The ‑drawer option requires a perfect match. But sometimes you need to locate a drawer by a portion of the drawer name. The classic example is when there is a drawer for each client, and the drawer name includes a client number: Jones, Bob ‑ 5548. Use the ‑drawerid option to use a substring to locate a drawer. For example, you can locate the Jones, Bob ‑ 5548 drawer by just using the client number:

‑cabinet "Clients" ‑drawerid "5548"


‑rename / ‑create; Maintaining Consistency with a CRM

A common use for the command-line options is to use Enterprise Organizer side-by-side with a CRM (customer relationship management system) or database. The CRM will typically have an ID number for each customer/client/patient as well as the party’s name. It’s a good idea to include an ID number in your drawer names in addition to a user-friendly name. The name lets your staff members locate the party by name, and the ID lets the drawer stay in sync with the CRM.

Create drawers or paths from your CRM with the ‑create command:

‑path "c:my cabinetsclientsJones, Bob ‑ 5548" ‑create
‑cabinet "Clients" ‑drawer "Jones, Bob ‑ 5548" ‑create

This will create the location if it doesn’t already exist. If it does exist, it will select it.

While names will sometimes change, as long as you’re using an ID in the drawer name you can update the name. For example, assume that Bob Jones now prefers to be called Robert Jones. As long as you know the ID number, 5545, you can issue this command to rename the drawer in Enterprise Organizer:

‑cabinet "Clients" ‑drawer "Jones, Robert ‑ 5548" ‑drawerid "5548" ‑rename

This will look up the drawer with the ID 5548 and rename it to Jones, Robert ‑ 5548.

The following example shows the command you could issue from your CRM every time you access a Enterprise Organizer drawer. It would make sure that the paths are created if they don’t already exist, or renamed to the proper name if the names don’t match:

‑cabinet "Clients" ‑drawer "Jones, Bob ‑ 5548" ‑drawerid "5548" ‑create ‑rename

This is worth explaining. Enterprise Organizer will look in the Clients cabinet for a drawer called Jones, Bob ‑ 5548. If it finds the drawer, it selects it and stops. If it can’t find the drawer, it will next look for a drawer with the ID 5548. If it finds the drawer using the ID number, it will rename the drawer using the name you specified in the ‑drawer option. If it doesn’t find the drawer using the ID number, it will create the drawer.


When you create a new drawer, you can apply a folder template at the same time:

‑cabinet "Clients" ‑drawer "Jones, Bob ‑ 5548" ‑template "Decades" ‑create

This will apply the Decades folder template to the drawer if the drawer needs to be created.


If you issue the ‑open command for a PDF or TIFF file, the file will open in Enterprise Organizer for editing:

‑path "c:my cabinetsclientsjones, bobscans esume.pdf" ‑open



Jumps to the location specified with ‑path or ‑cabinet. If the location is inside of a cabinet, Enterprise Organizer will locate it in Cabinet Mode. Otherwise, Enterprise Organizer will switch to Explorer Mode. This is actually the default action if no action is specified. These examples will all do the same thing:

‑path "c:my cabinetsclientsjones, bob"
‑path "c:my cabinetsclientsjones, bob" ‑goto
‑cabinet "Clients" ‑drawer "Jones, Bob"
‑cabinet "Clients" ‑drawer "Jones, Bob" ‑goto


URL Commands

Enterprise Organizer is registered to accept commands through the Enterprise Organizer Pro: protocol. This can work through URLs or through the command line.

Using Enterprise Organizer Pro: in URLs

The Enterprise Organizer Pro: protocol makes it possible to automate Enterprise Organizer through any field or control that accepts a URL. For example, many databases have URL fields for opening web pages. You can use these fields to pass commands to Enterprise Organizer.

Instead of using a URL like, you fashion the URL like this:

Enterprise Organizer Pro:-cabinet Clients -drawer "Jones, Pete"

This will open Enterprise Organizer to the "Clients" cabinet and the "Jones, Pete" drawer.

Some applications may not handle spaces properly. You may need to encode the command line like a regular URL. For example, you may need to substitute %20 for the spaces.

Using Enterprise Organizer Pro: in the Command Line

Instead of finding the full path to Enterprise Organizer Pro.exe for passing command-line options, you can use the Enterprise Organizer Pro: protocol paired with the Windows start command. For example:

start Enterprise Organizer Pro:
start Enterprise Organizer Pro:-cabinet Clients -drawer "Jones, Pete"

The first example will launch (or pop up) Enterprise Organizer, and the second will open Enterprise Organizer to the "Clients" cabinet and the "Jones, Pete" drawer.


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