Manage Cabinets

The Enterprise Organizer Pro Cabinets dialog is where you manage all aspects of your file cabinets and other tabs that show up along the top of Enterprise Organizer Pro. To access the dialog, use the Cabinets button:

Creating and Modifying Cabinets

Use the row of buttons above the list of cabinets to manage your cabinets:

Use the Add button to add a new cabinet. A wizard will guide you through the process. See Add A Cabinet for more information.
Use the Edit button to change the settings of a cabinet.
Use the Remove button to remove the cabinet from Enterprise Organizer Pro. Note that removing a cabinet does not delete the contents of the cabinet. It simply removes the cabinet reference from Enterprise Organizer Pro. See Cabinet Basics for more information.
You can hide a cabinet’s tab without deleting the cabinet. Just select the cabinet and click Hide. To show a hidden cabinet, select it and click Show.

Changing the Order

You have two options for organizing your list of cabinets: sort them alphabetically or organize them manually.


To sort the list alphabetically, select the Alpha Sort option. This will keep the list sorted alphabetically in the Cabinets dialog box and it will alphabetize the cabinet tabs in the main Enterprise Organizer Pro interface.


Alternatively, you can select any cabinet on the list and use the Up and Down arrow buttons to move it up or down in the list. You can manually organize your cabinets in any order you want. The cabinet tabs in the main Enterprise Organizer Pro interface will adhere to this order.

Tip: When you are using manual cabinet sorting, you can also drag and drop the cabinet tabs in the main interface to rearrange them.

The List of Cabinets

The main grid of the Cabinets dialog displays your cabinets. Some may be your personal cabinets, and some may have been defined by the system administrator. You may notice that some of the cabinets have different-colored icons. Cabinets on your local drive have a gray icon , while cabinets on network drives have an orange icon .

Cabinet Name

The Name column shows the name of the file cabinet. The name can be arbitrary, meaning that it does not have to be the same as the folder or location where the cabinet resides. Note, however, that cabinet names must be unique.

Cabinet Location

The Location column shows the path where the cabinet resides. Note that cabinets themselves are not files, but are pointers to a location in the Windows filesystem. All sub-folders and files under this path constitute the contents of the cabinet. See The Cabinet Structure for more information.


There are three types of cabinets: Standard, Outlook, and Advanced. The Type column shows the cabinet’s type. See Cabinet Types for more information.


In a network environment, you may have one or more shared cabinets that have been defined by the system administrator in a shared settings file on the network. You cannot edit these cabinets. The System column will indicate if a cabinet is a shared system cabinet.

No Delete

The No Delete comumn indicates whether cabinet files can be deleted. See Disallowing Deletions for more information. 

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